Troop Links for Scouts

TroopKit is the online tool used by Troop 7 and Troop 2 for RSVPing for activities and events. 

Scoutbook is the online tool used to track rank advancement and Merit Badge completion. 

Checklist of gear and items you may need for camping or backpacking.

Checklist of supplies and equipment our Patrols use while car-camping. 

My Scouting is an online tool for tracking hours camped, miles hiked, service hours given, and more.

The BSA Medical Form must be updated annually for all Scouts and Adult Leaders who participate in scouting events. 

The Golden Gate Council Shooting Sports Permission form must be updated annually for all Scouts participating in shooting sports.

A Google Sheets template to help Scouts track their progress in meeting the Tenderfoot fitness or Personal Fitness Merit Badge progress.

If you need assistance accessing any of these online tools, please contact your Scoutmaster. 

BSA Links & Resources for Scouts

Main page for Scouts BSA with links to many resources and references. 

A comprehensive guide to successfully move from Life Scout to Eagle Scout. 

List and information about the many merit badges Scouts can obtain. 

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the honor society of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). It is composed of Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives as elected by their peers. 

Main page for Alameda District includes 34 local Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, Venturing Crews, and Sea Scout Ships. 

Main page for the Golden Gate Council serves the seven Bay Area counties in Northern California.

Troop Links for Adults & Parents

All parents who wish to attend overnight activities with their Scout must also be an Adult Leader within the Troop. 

A living document that helps bring new families into the Troop. 

The 2024 New Scout Orientation material.

A step-by-step guide to being an active adult volunteer within the Scouts. 

Let us know if you have specific resources or interests that may benefit the Troop. 

All Adult Leaders must take the Scouting BSA youth protection training annually.  

All Adult Leaders must take the AB-506 mandated reporter training annually. 

Resources for Adult Leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters, and Troop Committee Members. 

Resources for Merit Badge Counselors. 

Checklist of gear and items you may need for camping or backpacking.

Checklist of supplies and equipment our Patrols use when car-camping. Donated Patrol-box supplies & equipment will be used to resupply and equip the Troop 7 & 2 Patrol boxes. 

Uniform Links: Class A's and Class B's

All Scouts and Adult Scouters are expected to obtain and wear the BSA Scout Uniform (Class A) for Scouting Events. Scouts, as well as Friends and Family of Troop 7 Scouts, are welcome to purchase and wear other Troop-branded gear (Class B's). 

Troop 7 branded apparel is optional for all Scouts and anyone else who supports our Troop.